Sunday, 02 October 2016 | SEEDS OF DESTINY | DR PAUL ENENCHE
‘for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…’ Proverbs 23:7
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: If it cannot cross your mind, it will never cross your life.
Sometime ago, God’s servant, Bishop David Oyedepo told a story of how he went with some people to Benin Airport in Nigeria to catch a flight to Lagos in order to meet up with their Sunday service. Before they got to the airport, the flight had taken off. At that moment, a man was at the tarmac about to fly to Lagos with his private jet and Bishop Oyedepo sent one of the men in his team to the man with the message: ‘Meet that man and tell him that we would like to join him to Lagos before our private jet arrives.’ And the man said, ‘Okay, if you are going to Lagos, come let us go.’
To Bishop Oyedepo, he was a private jet owner although it had not yet manifested. Today, what was on his mind is a reality.
If you cannot dream it, it will not come near you; if it cannot cross your mind, it will never cross your life. The thoughts of the successful are filled with achievements that are bigger than them.
Beloved, where you do not see yourself, you will never find yourself there.
Remember this: If it cannot cross your mind, it will never cross your life.
1. Picture how you want your future to be and work towards it.
2. Never allow your circumstance to define your thought pattern.
3. Review your vision for life daily.
PRAYER: O LORD, thank You for Your good plans for my life. I receive the grace to walk in righteousness, health, fruitfulness, prosperity and greatness. I must fulfil my destiny, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: Isaiah 66:1 to 24, Philippians 3:4 to 21, Psalm 74:1 to 23, Proverbs 24:15 to 16
QUOTE: What you believe determines how you behave, and how you behave determines what you become. Culled from 22 LAWS OF LIFE (VOL. 1) by Dr Paul Enenche.
AMAZING FACT: Ants never sleep. Also, they do not have lungs.
TODAY IN HISTORY: 2/10/1870 - Rome was made the capital of Italy.
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